Brand Designer Pinterest Case Study: J. Ashley Innovations

Brand design and Pinterest go hand in hand. Whether you’re a brand designer yourself or are prepping for a rebrand, where’s the first place you go to look for inspiration?


The story of J. Ashley Innovations’s Pinterest marketing journey is one that I hear all the time.

You know your clients are already looking for your work on Pinterest, and you know your work is beautiful, but you don’t know how to put those two things together and make Pinterest magic.

In this Pinterest case study, I’m taking you through the experience of marketing a brand and website design business on Pinterest.

Luxury Brand Designer Pinterest Case Study

The Client

Jordan Chan is the founder and designer behind J. Ashley Innovations, a luxury brand atelier serving female founders and dream chasers with strategic branding and Showit website design.

As a fellow North Carolina business owner, Jordan was a mutual IG connection long before she became my client. Underneath her sweet spirit and kind heart is a killer brand strategy and business planning background.

She brings her business acumen to the forefront into her course, Luxury Business Design, which helps set wedding professionals up with the essential business foundations necessary to break into the luxury market.

To recap, we’ve got beautiful designs and powerful business tips that we’d be marketing to essentially the prime Pinterest audience – women, photographers, and wedding professionals.

All the elements were there, we just needed to put them together.

Jordan put the situation best in her initial inquiry form:

“Tons of brand designers get a lot of work from Pinterest and I want to be one of them! My clients are always sending me ideas from Pinterest for their brands so I know this is where my dream clients are hanging out. As I shift even further into the luxury brand market, I want to share resources for clients there as well!”


Before hiring me as her Pinterest manager, Jordan was marketing her business primarily on Instagram. She’d been blogging occasionally with value-packed tips and client projects, and had been posting her work on Pinterest.

When I started working on her account in March of 2022, this is what the stats were looking like:

  • Impressions: 2,300
  • Saves: 2
  • Outbound Clicks: 5

Jordan’s main goals were to get clients from Pinterest and to educated wedding professionals on luxury branding in preparation for her course launch.

With that in mind, we focused mainly on publishing her brand design and web design work to attract other similar clients and grow her authority as a branding expert.


Growth was pretty much instant for J. Ashley Innovations’s Pinterest account. 

With a fully developed keyword strategy and consistent pinning, impressions and engagements all more than doubled in the first two months of Pinterest management.

From there, growth was slower, but still consistent. All metrics grew month after month. Our first big win was when a new client shared her inspiration board with Jordan and two of Jordan’s pins were already on the board.

That was concrete evidence that her work was not just getting seen, but getting seen by her ideal clients.

But I knew we could do better.

After all, I see designers getting millions of views on Pinterest, so why couldn’t we?

We gave idea pins a shot next because I’d seen those very same designers rely heavily on showcasing client work through idea pins, to great success.

Here’s the thing – what works for one account won’t necessarily work for another.

After 3 months, I could tell we weren’t getting traction on idea pins, so we stopped creating them. Shortly after, one of Jordan’s pins started getting lots of attention, and it hasn’t stopped.

Viral color palette Pinterest graphic for brand designer J. Ashley Innovations


As of February 2023, when I’m writing this case study, the J. Ashley Innovations Pinterest account is growing by thousands of impressions and hundreds of clicks every week.

That one viral pin is making up half of her stats and sending hundreds of users to her website every month.

To sum it up, we found what worked. For Jordan, her audience on Pinterest was looking to be inspired by beautiful brand mood boards, logo ideas, and color palettes. So that’s what we pin a lot of, calling in her dream clients by using the keywords they’re likely already searching on Pinterest.

Collage of pin graphics designed for brand designer J. Ashley Innovations

Why It Worked

At its core, this case study is an example of quite typical growth for a brand designer marketing on Pinterest.

We pinned consistent, high-quality content with a targeted keyword research plan, and gave Pinterest time to work its magic.

Jordan’s designs are beautiful, and those are what are driving the most reach and traffic. She just needed some help getting people to see them.

Tips You Can Take

The number one thing I want you to take away from this Pinterest case study is to be patient. This is proof that the work works, as long as you give it time.

I’m as impatient as the next person, but sometimes you have to remember that looking at the outside of someone else’s account or data only tells part of the story.

You have the find the strategy that works for your account, business, and lifestyle… then don’t give up.

What She Says

“Before working with Sarah, Pinterest was overwhelming, a constant guessing game, and never got me anywhere. Now, I’m seeing huge results with how visible I am on Pinterest, and it’s so refreshing to be able to sit back and know that I’m taken care of. One less thing on my plate means I can show up in other ways for my business!” – Jordan Chan, J. Ashley Innovations

If you’re looking for a brand and website designer to help you take your business to the next level, read all about the J. Ashley Innovations experience here!

Or if you’re a brand designer wanting to boost your business’s visibility on Pinterest, here’s how I can help!

Jordan Chan Brand and Website Designer of J. Ashley Innovations

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