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It's time to ditch the hustle and get back to what you started your business for.

ready to stop kicking the pinterest can down the road?

If you want to get more clients and scale your business without working 24/7 and constantly creating "will this go viral?" content, you're in the right place.

With intentional Pinterest marketing strategies, you'll be able to take on only the dreamiest of clients while making more money and more time for rest, family, and your personal goals.

the first step? let's chat!


To see the best results from Pinterest marketing, you should have your own website and at least 5-10 URLs to link to from Pinterest. These don’t have to be blog posts, but I highly recommend blogging consistently (at least 2 posts/month) to have enough fresh content to work with on Pinterest over time.

Pinterest is a long-term marketing effort. It usually takes at least 3-6 months to see consistent results on Pinterest, which is why my Pinterest management services require a 3-month commitment. Every business and industry will vary, so I can’t guarantee a certain amount of growth in a specific timeline.

At this time, I don’t currently offer Pinterest ads management. My Pinterest services focus on growing your business through organic Pinterest marketing strategies. If you’d like to explore Pinterest advertising for your business, I’m happy to chat about whether that’s a good option for your business and provide you with qualified referrals to Pinterest ads experts.

Your role is essentially hands-off! I’m here to take things off of your plate, not add to them. During onboarding and our kick-off call, I make sure I have everything I need to keep your Pinterest working hard in the background so you never even have to log in to reap the benefits. We'll use Slack to check-in when necessary.

Hi, I'm Sarah!

And I’m all about helping online service providers like you make their Pinterest a lead-generating, email-list-building, passive-income-boosting machine that works around the clock — so you don’t have to.

Because you deserve to have the freedom to focus on what you’re good at and feels fun, in your business and in your life.

pinterest strategist, multi-passionate entrepreneur, hustle-culture reject, and oxford comma enthusiast

let's make it happen

what clients are saying

— Jordan, J. Ashley Innovations

She is worth every penny, and you'll get a cheerleader in the process! When I get clients from Pinterest, I do a happy dance!

book Sarah right freaking now!

— Sara, Between the lines copywriting

I don't even log in. Sarah does everything for me and makes my Pinterest beautiful even when I don't write content for 2 months.

you need to work with my Pinterest girl

— MElissa, msunn yoga + wellness

I kept saying I would get to Pinterest, learn how to do it, but was overwhelmed with everything else. Then I found Sarah and she has been amazing to work with. We are now getting so much more traffic to our site & 10-20 new subscribers each week. 

you'll wish you had hired her sooner!

what clients are saying

— Jordan, J. Ashley Innovations

She is worth every penny, and you'll get a cheerleader in the process! When I get clients from Pinterest, I do a happy dance!

book Sarah right freaking now!

— Sara, Between the lines copywriting

I don't even log in. Sarah does everything for me and makes my Pinterest beautiful even when I don't write content for 2 months.

you need to work with my Pinterest girl

I kept saying I would get to Pinterest, learn how to do it, but was overwhelmed with everything else. Then I found Sarah and she has been amazing to work with. We are now getting so much more traffic to our site & 10-20 new subscribers each week. 

— MElissa, msunn yoga + wellness

you'll wish you had hired her sooner!