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From Canva pin templates and ready-to-use Pinterest keyword banks to actionable Pinterest trainings and workshops, the only thing you won't find in this shop is a little treat to keep you motivated while you work. That one you'll have to find at an actual corner store — sorry.

Your go-to corner store for Pinterest marketing resources

the Newsstand

Workshops and Trainings

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Pinterest Blogging Workshop

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Content Strategy Workshop

If you're tired of investing time into Pinterest without getting the results you expect, this training will teach you the missing pieces to turn your effort into tangible impacts!

Learn how Pinterest + blogs work together to form a long-term content marketing strategy and how to implement that strategy in a way that's both simple and effective.

With Sara Noel of Between the Lines Copywriting.

client love

I’m feeling so excited and relieved to finally have all of my Pinterest marketing pieces put together in a way that creates an actionable and accessible sustainable strategy that’s gonna be super easy to follow month over month. No more struggles with missing pieces and inconsistency!

"I know I'm going to be referencing this for years!"

– Elissa, elissa mae creative

“I’m a very very very picky buyer so it takes a lot for me to invest in something, even at a low price point. I thought about it for WEEKS and now I realized I had nothing to worry about!”

“I bought this maybe 30 seconds ago and it’s f*cking INCREDIBLE.”

– Maddy, By Maddy Aucoin

“Exactly what I needed without the ‘fluff.’ Sarah made it so easy to jump right into action!”

“I’ve purchased about a million marketing things and this is SOOO good!”

– Kara, The Kara Report

And I believe that with the right tools, instructions, and time, you can do anything — whether that's building built-in bookshelves or managing your own Pinterest account, you decide. 

In this newsstand, we're swapping rumor-laden tabloids and candy for DIY Pinterest marketing resources that make marketing your business quicker, simpler, and all-around better.

Hi, I'm Sarah — Pinterest marketer, Type-A creative, and 

Behind the Products

Not feeling the DIY vibe?

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overconfident DIY-er.