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hot off the press

How to Actually Get Work Done When You’re Overwhelmed

When you’ve got too much to do and your brain isn’t cooperating, try these micro-productivity tips to get back on track!

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Why My Own Marketing Doesn’t Matter

Hi bestie. You’re here because you want the tea. I get it. And I’m going to share.

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23 Lessons I Learned in 2023

From Zoloft and lizard time to overcommunicating and independence, here are 23 essential lessons for online business owners in their 20s.

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Business, Personal

13 Things I’ve Learned in 3 Years of Business

Three years ago I hit publish on my first Instagram post promoting my services as a content strategist. So much has happened and changed since then. Honestly, I can’t believe it’s been three years. Sitting here and typing that out makes it feel like an absolute eternity, yet it also feels like it was just […]

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Business, Personal

5 Ways I Manage My Mental Health as an Online Business Owner

You cannot be an effective business owner, service provider, partner, friend, parent, human, if you don’t prioritize yourself. Here’s how I do just that.

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Hi, I'm Sarah!

the pinterest expert behind the blog

And I'm the kind of person who Googles everything. If there's a question, I'll find the answer & share it.

If your search history is full of questions like "how frequently should I post on Pinterest?" and "how to use Pinterest for business," I'm here to help.

Through custom Pinterest marketing strategies, I help online service providers like you build brand awareness, grow your email list, and get the dreamiest of inquiries consistently. Plus, you can finally close out all those tabs you swear you'll get to, eventually.

let's work together!

Ever wish you had a simple checklist that told you exactly what to do on Pinterest?

With just a few clicks, that wish can come true! Download my FREE Pinterest marketing checklists that include everything you need to do and nothing you don't so you can start pinning consistently and confidently! 

everyone loves a freebie