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Say hello to plug-and-play Pinterest resources that make it easier to get the heck on Pinterest and stay there.

Say hello to plug-and-play Pinterest resources that make it easier to get the heck on Pinterest and stay there.

So, you made a Pinterest account for your business. Now what?

You’ve followed all the checklists and read all the blogs, but how do you actually market your service-based business on Pinterest? Are you really using the right keywords? And what exactly does a scroll-stopping pin look like?

goodbye generic tips + templates...

take the guesswork out

If you know you want to be one of the "cool kids" on Pinterest (aka the ones that have dream clients knocking down their digital doors), but feel like you need another 24 hours in your day to actually make it happen, this one's for you.

Get ready — a sustainable Pinterest marketing system for your service-based business is just a click away!

Ready to grow your business on Pinterest without sacrificing your downtime to do it?

everything you need to diy your pinterest like a pro

Finally, Pinterest templates and resources that don't leave you hanging and actually work for your service-based business. No squishing or squinting to make these babies fit — they're ready to go straight out of the (in)box.

The Pinterest Toolkit for online Service Providers


"In the service-provider space, I needed a trusted expert I could go to with my Pinterest-specific questions and Sarah was that girl."

— diana, carter house copy

grab yours now

Pinterest Keyword Bank for Online Service Providers

Using the right keywords on Pinterest is a crucial part of the success equation.

This keyword bank has over 4,000 keywords specifically for online service providers, organized by industry & topic. No more wondering if you're using the right ones!

open up the toolkit:

grab yours now

40+ Drag-and-Drop Canva Pin Templates

The other part of the perfect pin equation? Scroll-stopping designs that convert to clicks.

From blog posts and infographics to mockups and idea pins, these beautiful, customizable pin templates cover the whole scope of things to pin on Pinterest! 

grab yours now

100+ Blog Posts Ideas for Your Industry

No generic "X Tips for Your Industry" prompts here... These blog post ideas are ready to write — just add words.

Paired with the included blogging resources, you'll be cranking out long-form content to promote on Pinterest faster than you can say "what do I even write about?"

grab yours now

Lead Magnet Ideas for Online Service Providers

You know the best way to capture your Pinterest traffic is by funneling users to your email list with a free opt-in.

Before you go down the rabbit hole of what freebie to create, browse this list of juicy lead magnet ideas that your audience will beg to swap their emails for.

grab yours now

Pinterest Content Planning Guide + Workflows

Creating pins is great, but how do you know what to pin?

Guided questions and sample workflows will walk you through a simple — but effective — content planning process to help you figure out exactly what to create for your Pinterest marketing strategy!

grab yours now

Analytics + Content Tracking Templates

Swipe the templates I use for my own clients to keep track of your content and your analytics. These trackers will take you from randomly pinning in the dark to confidently implementing an organized pinning strategy!

Versions are available in both Google Sheets and Airtable!

i'm not just going to deliver and dash

Each resource is accompanied by a video walkthrough & tutorial by yours truly, so you know exactly how to make them work for you. And you'll also get any future updates to the toolkit!

What good are tools if you don't know how to use them?


what if I said you could...

picture this

..stop guessing whether you're using the right keywords & start writing pin copy you know will rank in your dream client's feed

..ditch the design overwhelm and random canva pin templates that don't accurately represent your brand

..always know what content you should be pinning to reach that next sales goal or email subscriber milestone


..have all the tools you need to create + schedule a month's worth of pin content in an afternoon?

make it a reality!

"If you have the chance to learn from Sarah in any capacity, do it."

— content strategist & copywriter

And I'm all too familiar with the online service provider dance — while your clients get the 5-star treatment, your CEO days pass by in the blink of an eye.

Then you're left posting on the fly and always feeling like things are slipping through the cracks. It's a constant, exhausting cycle.

While I wish I could wave a wand to make balancing life, business, and client work a breeze and magically create all of your content for you, sadly my Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail.

But what I can do is give you the tools to create a sustainable Pinterest marketing system for your service-based business.

There's no one-size-fits-all solution for Pinterest

And I'm beyond tired of seeing online service pros like you give up on Pinterest because the generic resource marketed by the highest-follower-count lifestyle creator didn't even cover the basics of your business, let alone fit into your already-busy schedule.

Forcing yourself to use someone else's "perfect process" to reach their version of success is a lot like riding a stationary bike — you'll work really hard to end up exactly where you started. It just doesn't work.

These templates and tools do. And I know that because I've created and used them for the dozens of copywriters, designers, and marketers just like you that I've helped.


learn from my mistakes —

let's do it!

You don't need another course.

You can watch all the courses, listen to all the podcasts, and Google to your heart's content, but knowledge isn't what you're missing.

What you need are tangible resources that shrink the barriers and steps required to start marketing your business on Pinterest and keep up with it.

Spend 2 hours watching a masterclass or 2 hours on plug-and-play pin creation?

The sooner you get started with Pinterest marketing, the sooner you can start seeing email list growth like whoa, dream clients popping up in your inquiries on the reg, and passive sales coming in overnight.

Which means you get more time to spend practicing your latest creative hobby, enjoying quality time with friends and family, or just resting without worrying about where your next lead is coming from.

What's going to help you take action faster?

would you rather...

take me to the toolkit!

This      for you if...

you want to be on pinterest, but don't want to sort through outdated, irrelevant resources on google

you're looking for a comprehensive pinterest course

you're an online service provider curious about expanding your marketing

you're not an online service provider

you've got the pinterest basics down, but need the tools to actually implement what you know

It's probably        for you if...

you want customized, 1:1 support



Let's do this thing.


Pinterest Toolkit for Online Service Providers

pinterest keyword bank + pin templates

blog post + lead magnet ideas

content planning guide + trackers

video training library

purchase now!


Are you teaching me all about Pinterest?

While you can definitely pick up on the best practices by using these resources, this is not a course. If you need to brush up on some Pinterest knowledge, I'm happy to point you in the right direction. That being said, you don't have to be a Pinterest expert to use this toolkit!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not an online service provider, will this work for me?

The templates in this bundle are primarily geared towards online service providers. The keyword bank, content ideas, and lead magnet ideas are extremely specific for online service providers in different industries, whereas the pin templates, tracking templates, and content planning guide are more general. If you have any questions or concerns about whether this is right for you, send me an email or DM me on Instagram.

What's your return policy?

Due to the digital nature of the content, this product is nonrefundable.

Do I need any apps or software to use the toolkit?

The only programs you might need to make use of your resources are Google Drive and Canva. All of the elements in the pin templates should be available and free to use for both free and pro Canva accounts. If want to use the Airtable version of the Pinterest tracking templates, you can make a free Airtable account.

I hate purchasing something only to realize it's not at all what I expected or needed — hence this entire product. That's why I'm here for you to answer any and all questions about the Pinterest Toolkit for Online Service Providers!

Send me an email here or message me on IG and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

DM Me!

Any other questions I didn't answer?

Ask away!