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here's what's inside:

When you download your Pinterest funnel audit guide, you'll get...

A (beginner-friendly) crash course in marketing funnels

complete pinterest funnel audit checklist

1,000+ keywords specifically for online service pros

step-by-step optimization tips for every part of your funnel

Hi, I'm Sarah — Pinterest strategist, holistic marketing fiend, and small-talk-skipper.

Whether we're swapping life stories in the DMs or getting straight to the nitty-gritty of how to use Pinterest, I have no patience for fluff or BS.

And I believe whole-heartedly that you should be spending your valuable time doing work that works, without needing a marketing degree to figure it out.

That's why I'm so committed to providing free resources like this guide. Because you deserve to make the most of your one wild and precious life, and spinning your wheels on surface-level tips and tricks won't do it.

about that life story...